Korean: Five kinds of 'open' verbs | 열다、뚫다、뜨다、터주다、켜다


Korean: 보다、더  | More...than...Korean: 보다、더 | More...than...
韓文: 보다、더的用法 | 更加,比較韓文: 보다、더的用法 | 更加,比較
韓文筆記:五種「打開」的動詞 | 열다、뚫다、뜨다、터주다、켜다韓文筆記:五種「打開」的動詞 | 열다、뚫다、뜨다、터주다、켜다
Korean: -ㄹ/을까요 | Curious, asked for commentsKorean: -ㄹ/을까요 | Curious, asked for comments



Korean: ㅅ irregularKorean: ㅅ irregular
Korean: ㄷ irregularKorean: ㄷ irregular
Korean: 르 irregularKorean: 르 irregular
Korean: 으 irregularKorean: 으 irregular


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