Learn Useful Korean Phrases by youtube | 일, 문제


youtube學韓文 2021-12-20youtube學韓文 2021-12-20
Youtube學習8個常用韓文句子 | 일, 문제Youtube學習8個常用韓文句子 | 일, 문제

Korean Conversation: Coffee Shop for Ordering

Korean Conversation: Coffee Shop for Ordering

韓文: 咖啡廳點餐時的對話

韓文: 咖啡廳點餐時的對話



Korean: ㅅ irregularKorean: ㅅ irregular
Korean: ㄷ irregularKorean: ㄷ irregular
Korean: 르 irregularKorean: 르 irregular
Korean: 으 irregularKorean: 으 irregular


Korean Conversation: 'Do You Have a Pet?'

Korean Conversation: 'Do You Have a Pet?'

Korean Conversation: 'Who is Your Favorite Singer?'

Korean Conversation: 'Who is Your Favorite Singer?'

Korean Conversation: 'Places You've Visited'

Korean Conversation: 'Places You've Visited'

Korean Conversation: 'Going to the Gym for Exercise'

Korean Conversation: 'Going to the Gym for Exercise'